ridiculously good cookies
from 50 - 50,000, baked-to-order cookie gifts they'll remember

Custom Cookie Jars
Crystal-clear, glass apothecary style jars. Perfect gifts for offices, families or anywhere you want to make an impressive statement.
Available in 2 sizes
"Standard" 2 lbs (~32 servings) of ridiculously good cookies. - MIN QTY 100 Jars
$159 domestic ground shipping included (ask about volume and shipping discounts)
"The Jumbo Jar" 4 lbs (~64 servings) of ridiculously good cookies! ​​- MIN QTY 50 Jars
$219 domestic ground shipping included (ask about volume and shipping discounts)
FREE custom logo (single color or metallic) printing on jar front and custom message on jar back. (add 2 weeks, min order 100 jars)
If you would like to send us note cards or marketing materials, we will gladly include those in each package (must be same materials for all packages in order; + $3 each).
Your ridiculously good cookies are made to order, fresh, for everyone on your gift list.
Please note, holiday season (deliveries Nov 15 - Jan 15) must be placed by Sept 15.

The Ugly Bag
​Exceptional, fun and ridiculously good gift for individuals at events or pre-order to keep for on-the-fly gifting (ridiculously good cookies have a nine month shelf life).
Min order, 1,000 bags
Lunch style, brown, paper bag (cookies are in a sealed inner bag).
0.5 lbs (~8 servings)
Logo and/or message printed on round labels, affixed to front of bag (full color).
If you would like to send us marketing materials, we will gladly include those in each package (must be same materials for all packages in order; + $2 each).
Your ridiculously good cookies are made to order. Typical lead time is 10-12 weeks.
Please note, holiday season (deliveries Nov 15 - Jan 15) must be placed by Sept 15.